Freelance illustrator

Natter Matters testimonials


Testimonials - here are just a fraction of the reviews and feedback received for Natter Matters and Natter Matters (More Than Ever)

Huge success

“I've invested in almost £500 worth of Natter Matters cards. One for each form and one for each English class also. We trialled the first set with huge success. We used PP (Pupil Premium) funding for this.” - Middle School Director of Language and Communication and SEN English Teacher

Amazing what you get when you ask

“Thought my boys were too old at 14, 20 and 23. I was wrong. It’s amazing what you get when you actually ask.” - Customer feedback

I will make it a key part of my teaching week for the rest of my career

“I have never gone out of my way to email a company with a review before, but I felt compelled to do so after playing Natter Natters all holiday with my family (ages 6 to 86!) and then taking my pack into school for the start of term. I teach Year 6 in an area of high socioeconomic deprivation. We have a large percentage of children with additional needs and plenty of kids for whom English is an additional language. I HAVE BEEN BLOWN AWAY BY THE RESPONSE TO NATTER MATTERS. We pick one question a session, never more and it becomes our obsession all day, in every gap, every break or every line-up for assembly. Children who would barely utter a word have been asking to play every morning. My super keen writers have begun compiling a class book of debates, documenting all sides of the arguments and after half term were even setting up a lunch time debate club so year 4 and 5 can join in. THANK YOU. I can’t believe that something that cost me less than twenty pounds has made such an enormous difference already. I will make it a key part of my teaching week for the rest of my career.” - Year 6 Primary School teacher

Can’t get enough

“Had to let you know that my autistic son has enjoyed playing the new pack so much since we bought it at Christmas. He was always quite hard to start big conversations with but now we have the vehicle of a card game, he can’t get enough.” - Mother of 2 teens

Natter Matters game saved the day

“Lifesaver! We were one of the unlucky families caught in Easter traffic mayhem at Dover. Your Natter Matters game saved the day. We had the most fun debating lying, friendship, desert island essentials and more. Some of their answers were so surprising. Ended up being conversations that continued well into the holiday. Have just ordered 2 more sets for friends!” - Parents of 5, 9 and 13 year olds