Freelance illustrator

Natter Matters Spread The Word(s)


What is Natter Matters and how can I get involved?


Natter Matters Card Games

These are packs of cards asking big, open questions with no wrong answers. The questions range from lighthearted “Would You Rather” style ice breakers to philosophical conundrums that have baffled the greatest minds for centuries.

The packs are designed to get young people (and adults too!) thinking, listening and talking about the stuff that really matters.

Promoting conversations which:

  • Deepen understanding

  • Encourage empathy

  • Allow for debate and disagreement in a safe and polite manner

  • Strengthen relationships between and within generations.


Why are there two different packs?

There are currently two packs to choose from:

  • Natter Matters Original- aimed at 5+, a universally suitable pack with a great introduction to thinking socially, personally and philosophically.

  • Natter Matters (More Than Ever)- aimed at 10+, this is a colour-coded deeper dive into big ideas. There are still lighthearted questions in there, but also some contentious debate topics.


Every pack comes with a QR code which links to resources designed to enhance the game. It includes a PDF of all the questions so you can carry the pack around digitally or show them on a big screen.

The packs can be bought separately or as a set. There are discounts for bulk orders. Contact me if you’d like to find out more about special pricing.


I think this sounds ace and I’d like to help Spread The Word(s)

There are lots of ways to help. Buying a set for you, your family and friends is the first and most obvious one, but here are some other excellent ways to get the natter mattering even more.

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